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Early Treatment

Dr. Grays agree with the American Association of Orthodontists which recommends that a child receives their first orthodontic screening by age 7. By starting treatment early, we are able to recognize early problems and correct them before they become more serious during adolescence. This not only saves you and your child time and more difficult treatment, but it also saves you money!

Our doctors encourage all parents to bring their children in for a free comprehensive orthodontic evaluation. Even if the doctor determines that it is too early for treatment, our team will be able to determine when your child will be ready for treatment to save time and money. It is proven that effective early orthodontic care can be a huge advantage for the future of your child’s oral health and their psychosocial development.

Current research demonstrates how important your child’s smile is to their self-esteem. Early treatment gives them a head start in improving self-confidence before the difficult teenage years. Your child will be more social and perform better when self-confidence is at its highest.  Many children have undiagnosed sleep disorders or improper jaw posture due to upper airway resistance.  This negatively affects the smile, facial balance, psychosocial development and performance in school.  Undiagnosed airway problems can lead to adolescent obesity, type 2 diabetes, and attention deficit disorders.  The orthodontist is now considered the key partner in improving breathing and sleep quality for improved health and well-being.


The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

  • Creating room for crowded, impacted teeth that can’t grow in
  • Improving facial balance and smile by improving growth
  • Improving airway for better sleep quality and health
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Eliminating cross-bites that can interfere with normal jaw function and growth of bone and gums
  • Preserving space for un-erupted teeth
  • Reducing the need for tooth removal
  • Reducing treatment time with braces


During your child’s initial evaluation, a 3D iCat Scan of the teeth, jaws, and airway will be performed to help determine if there are any problems that need to be addressed now or if they can wait for teenage treatment. With evidence-based methods, our doctors will create a personalized treatment plan for your child that is comfortable and convenient and will prove to be the most beneficial for his or her special needs and desires.  Sometimes our doctors will partner with the pediatrician or ENT, and the child’s dentist, to optimize growth and development, as well as overall health.

The earlier you bring your child to Dr. Gray Orthodontic Specialists, the earlier we can determine the best course of action and begin orthodontic treatment. Dr. Gray along with their staff are trained and skilled to work joyfully with young children and provide a friendly, caring atmosphere that children and their parents will enjoy.